
Issue 28/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 28 (Year 2024, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published in August 2024. For the table of contents and letter of president click here. The full version is only available to members in the member area.

XV Congreso Internacional de la HISTORIA DEL PAPEL en la Península Ibérica, 26-28 June 2025

The congress is organized by the Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores del Papel (AHHP), Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM) da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH), and by la Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (BNP)

in Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2025.

Call for papers


The Conference is organized by AFHEPP, (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries) and ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes).
This event will take place on the 25th of October 2024, 8:30 am till 6:00 pm (CET) at ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), 29, rue d’Ulm, amphithéâtre Jaurès.
Pour obtenir le lien de visioconférence, écrire à

For details see the Program

DAP-Tagung 2024 in Jena

Von 17. - 20. Oktober 2024 wird der Deutsche Arbeitskreis Papiergeschichte (DAP) zu seiner Jahrestagung in Jena zusammenkommen. Das Thema dieser Tagung ist diesmal das "Buch".


37th IPH Congress, 9 - 14 September 2024 in Oslo (Norway)

Programme     Abstracts     Behind-the-scene Activities     Registration and Practical Information

The General Assembly will take place in Oslo, Wednesday 11th, 17:00 – 19:00 CEST. If you are following the meeting online, please use the link:

Use and Reuse of Paper in the Pre-Industrial World

The colloquium will convene at the University College Cork, Ireland, on 27-28 August 2024.
New More details and call for participation: Call for Participation.

35th BAPH Annual Conference, 23-25 August 2024, Oxford, UK

We are delighted to be holding our Annual Conference in the centre of Oxford at New College, founded 1379 and with magnificent buildings and gardens. We are planning visits that will include the Oxford University Press and the Bodleian Libraries, with Marinita Stiglitz Head of Paper Conservation who has been looking at various Japanese papers in the collections, and we have lectures late afternoon on Saturday and on Sunday morning.
For details of booking and lectures see:

Getty - Free Professional Development for Paper Scholars

The Getty Foundation supports 13 fully funded workshops and traveling seminars for curators of works on paper that start this spring and continue into 2025. Here’s a link to the announcement as well as various social media posts:
Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn
See also the Getty website that lists all the opportunities chronologically:

Issue 27/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 27 (Year 2023, Issue 2) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published in January 2024. For the table of contents, letter of president and information about the IPH congress in Oslo 2024 click here. The full version is only available to members in the member area.

IPH 2021 Congress Book

The Congress Books of the IPH 2021 Congress Which was generously hosted by the Library of Congress, the National Gallery of Art and the National Archives and Records Administration has been published. A link to the online IPH 2021 Congress Book has gone live at

Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional (Toledo)

Se ha publicado una nueva entrada Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional (Toledo), haz clic aquí para acceder a ella: Actas del XIV Congreso Internacional (Toledo)
ASOCIACIÓN HISPÁNICA DE HISTORIADORES DEL PAPEL Avenida de Baviera, 15 · 28028 Madrid · T 91 576 30 03 · Si desea darse de baja comuniquese con

Paper, music and sound - Characteristics and uses of paper for producing sound and writing music

The Association Française pour l'Histoire et l'Etude du Papier et des Papeteries (AFHEPP) and the Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes (ITEM-CNRS/ENS) are jointly organizing a one day conference devoted to "Characteristics and uses of paper for producing sound and writing music”.
The conference will take place in Paris on October 13, 2023, 9:00 am till 5:30 pm (CET) at ITEM, 59/61, rue Pouchet, 75017 - PARIS. Admission is free, under place availability. The event will also be accessible online and the link will be sent a few days before the date. Compulsory registration at this address: (please specify physical or online attendance).
See details in the program.

7th International conference on watermarks in digital collections

Bernstein conference. Verona, Italy, September 6 - 8, 2023. The conference intends to bring together scholars, paper experts, conservators, curators, and others who work in watermark research or are interested in this topic. It will contain sessions with lectures, a guided tour through Verona and the Biblioteca Capitolare, and an excursion to Toscolano at the Lake Garda.

Program     Abstracts (English)     Abstracts (Italian)

If you want to take part at the conference please send an email to Timoty Leonardi and Emanuel Wenger before August 20, 2023. Indicate in your registration email if you will use the bus transfer from Verona to Toscolano and back. There is no registration fee for the conference but the bus transfer costs 30 EUR per person.

Contacts: Emanuel Wenger and Timoty Leonardi.

XIV Congreso Internacional de la HISTORIA DEL PAPEL en la Península Ibérica, 26-28 April 2023

The congress is organized by the Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores del Papel (AHHP)

in Toledo, Spain, 26-28 April 2023.


The next round of the Frederick Bearman Research Grant

The Icon Book and Paper group ( annually awards the Frederick Bearman Research Grant, up to £1000 towards the research into any aspect of books, paper or archival materials. The topic should in some way be of interest and importance to the book and paper conservation profession, but does not exclusively need to be about conservation. You do not need to be an Icon member to apply, but would need to become a member if awarded the grant. For more information please visit:

Issue 26/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 26 (Year 2022, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published in November 2022. For the table of contents, letter of president and information about the IPH congress in Washington click here. The full version is only available to members in the member area.

Conference: Actualités de la recherche en histoire du papier (News in Paper History Research)

The Conference is organized by AFHEPP, (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries) and ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes).
This event will take place on the 7th of October 2022, 9:00 am till 6:00 pm (CET) at ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), 45, rue d’Ulm, amphithéâtre Dussane.
Admission is free, under place availability.
The event will also be transmitted online and the link will be sent a few days before the date.

You must subscribe at this address: and specify physical or online presence.

For details see the Program

Webinar - PTS Insight: Forensic Paper Analysis – Characterisation, Differentiation and Dating of Paper for Documents and Works of Art

21 September 2022, 10:00 am (CET), Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS), Heidenau (Germany). For more information and registration look at

Call for Papers: 36th IPH Congress, 15-20 August 2022 in Krems (Austria)

The congress, entitled Paper of Graphic Art, is the first in Krems, and the second in Austria since 1992. It will be held in co-operation with Krems City Archives and regional monasteries as well as with two exhibitions, one about Kremser Schmidt Kremser Schmidt and one by Nedim Sönmez

Call for Papers is closed.    Programme     Registration

English abstracts   French abstracts   German abstracts     CVs
We warmly thank the three proof readers, Joseph Schiro (English), Claude Laroque (French) and Maria Stieglecker (German) for their work.

6th International conference on watermarks in digital collections

Bernstein meeting. Fabriano, Italy, May 26 - 27, 2022. The conference intends to bring together scholars, paper experts, conservators, curators, and others who work in watermark research or are interested in this topic. For two decades now, the by then printed catalogues are partially replaced by databases and new watermark collections are published only online in digital form at all.

Program        Contacts: Emanuel Wenger and Livia Faggioni.

Conference website     video trailer

"Paper Stories: Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe", 5-6 May 2022 in Reykjavík

The upcoming conference "Paper Stories: Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe" in Reykjavík, will focus on watermark analysis, paper history and paper trade, library collections and object biography.

More information about the conference is available at:

Call for Papers: Avant-Garde Art on Paper in Europe 1905-1950, 23-25 March 2022 at Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

As part of the research project BePAPER-project the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, in collaboration with the University of Leuven and the Université Libre de Bruxelles, are organizing an international symposium on the role of paper in European avant-garde art during the first half of the 20th century. Find the call for paper here.

Louis André Hommage taking place in Paris (CNAM) Dec. 9 - 10th 2021

The conference will be accessible also online by means of Zoom links (History of paper program is mainly on the 10th). The program can be found on the CNAM Museum site

"Paper Stories: Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe", 7-8 May 2020 in Reykjavík

The upcoming conference "Paper Stories: Paper and Book History in Post-Medieval Europe", 7-8 May 2020 in Reykjavík, will focus on watermark analysis, paper history and paper trade, library collections and object biography.

*NEW DATES 5-6 May 2022*

More information about the conference is available at:

Issue 25/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 25 (Year 2021, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published in August 2021. For the table of contents, letter of president and information about the IPH congress in Washington click here. The full version is only available to members in the member area.

Les papiers filigranés de la période 1830-1950 / Watermarked papers 1830-1950

Conférence organisée par L’AFHEPP, (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries) et l'ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes).

Cette journée se déroulera le 8 octobre 2021 de 9h à 17h30 à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris, Amphithéâtre Jaurès L’entrée est libre d’accès sous réserve du nombre de places disponibles. Le port du masque est obligatoire. La journée sera également retransmise en direct et le lien sera envoyé quelques jours auparavant. Inscription obligatoire auprès de : en précisant : présentiel ou distanciel. Voir le détail dans le programme.

This event will take place on the 8th of October 2021, 9:00 am till 5:30 pm (CET) at ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), 29 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris, Amphitheater Jaurès Admission is free, under place availability. Wearing a mask is compulsory. The event will also be transmitted online and the link will be sent a few days before the date. You must subscribe at this address please specify physical or online presence. See details in the program.

Venice in blue. The Use of Carta azzurra in the Artist’s Studio and in the Printer’s Workshop, ca. 1500–50.

University of St Andrews, International Online Conference: 2–3 September, 2021
Organisers: Alexa McCarthy, Laura Moretti, Paolo Sachet

More information about the conference is available here.

Issue 24/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 24 (Year 2020, Issue 2) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published in February 2021. For the table of contents, letter of president and information about the IPH congress in Washington click here. The full version is only available to members in the member area.

35th IPH Congress: Investigating American Collections on Paper June 7-11, 2021

The International Association of Paper Historians (IPH) is pleased to announce its upcoming 35th Biennial Congress on June 7-11, 2021. The much-anticipated event, entitled "Investigating American Collections on Paper" will be co-hosted by the Library of Congress, the National Gallery of Art, and the National Archives and Records Administration. The Washington, DC organizers have transformed the original in-person Congress into an online colloquium that will enable greater participation by paper historians, scholars and students from around the world.

L’Hicsa conference publications

L’Hicsa (Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l’Art, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) organized since 2014 with various partners - l’INP (Institut National du Patrimoine, Département des Restaurateurs), L’AFHEPP (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries), l'ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes) - a one-day conference « Around paper » which publications are accessible on Hicsa site.

Tagung "Wasserzeichen in Musikquellen", 21. und 22. Mai 2021, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München, Deutschland

Aufgrund der Pandemiesituation konnte die zunächst für 15. Mai 2020 als Präsenzveranstaltung geplante Tagung nicht stattfinden. Mit einem erweiterten Programm wird die Tagung neu aufgelegt und im virtuellen Format durchgeführt.


Mehr Schein als Sein?! Papierne Imitation und Illusion.

4. Jahrestagung des Forums BildDruckPapier zu papiernen Surrogaten und Attrappen. 17.05.2021 - 18.05.2021, Desden, Germany.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 12. Mai 2021. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Das Anmeldeformular finden Sie unter
Additional information and program.

The mill that does grind grain. History of the paper mill in Duszniki-Zdrój

In late December 2019, the Museum of Papermaking issued a publication titled “The mill that does grind grain. History of the paper mill in Duszniki-Zdrój”. The publication, referred to by the Duszniki museum workers as “the small monograph”, was published in Polish with a print run of 5 thousand copies. It is distributed free of charge among museum guests. Its authors are Prof. Maciej Szymczyk, Rafał Eysymontt, Rainer Sachs and Marta Nowicka. Precisely one year after the event, the publication was translated into English and printed in 2000 copies. The book “The mill that does not grind grain” is also available as pdf in electronic form.

The publication of the 2 last Hicsa conferences is online

Research project: Export of French papers to England (and / or Ireland) during the 17th century

Louise O'Connor of the National Library of Ireland is researching any information regarding the export of French papers to England (and / or Ireland) during the 17th century.

Please contact Louise O'Connor.

Paper and Paper making history : Research News II

Conference organized by HiCSA (Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l’Art, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) in partnership with AFHEPP, (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries) INP (Institut National du Patrimoine, Département des Restaurateurs) and ITEM (Institut des Textes et Manuscrits Modernes).

This event will take place on 13rd of October, 2020 at INHA (Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art), 6 rue des Petits champs 75002 Paris, 1st Floor, Vasari Room. Admission is free, under place availability. Wearing a mask is obligatory.
See details in the Program
Contacts: Mme/Ms Claude LAROQUE
Maître de conférences / Senior Lecturer
Responsable du / Head of Master de Méthodologie et Pratique de la Conservation Restauration des Biens Culturels
Université Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne
17 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris – France
HiCSA EA 4100 Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l'Art

Issue 24/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 24 (Year 2020, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published in June 2020. For the table of contents, letter of president and information about the postponed IPH congress click here. The full version is only available to members in the member area.

35th IPH congress (September 15-18, 2020) in Washington DC (USA) 2021

The 35th Biennial Congress of the International Paper Historians (IPH) will be held in Washington DC, from September 15 - 18, 2020 2021, with an additional day for an excursion to a paper mill. The conference, the first in the US since 1982, will be co-hosted by The Library of Congress, the National Gallery of Art and the National Archives and Records Administration.

Postponed to 2021.       Additional information about IPH 2021.

DAP-Tagung 2020 in Gernsbach

Vom 12. bis zum 15. November 2020 wird der Deutsche Arbeitskreis Papiergeschichte (DAP) zu seiner Jahrestagung in Gernsbach zusammenkommen. Gernsbach hat seit vielen Jahrzehnten einen festen Platz in der Ausbildung des Papiermachernachwuchses. Dieses Thema soll daher bei unserer 2021er-Tagung im Mittelpunkt stehen.

Postponed to 2021 (14-17 October).       Additional information.

Issue 23/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 23 (Year 2019, Issue 2) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published middle of December 2019. For the table of contents click here.

PTS-Workshop „Materialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungsmethoden zur Charakterisierung und Authentifizierung von Dokumenten und Kunstwerken auf Papier“

am 7. November 2019 an der Papiertechnischen Stiftung in Heidenau

Ziel des Workshops ist eine umfassende Darstellung materialwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungsmethoden und ihrer Anwendung zur strukturellen, stofflichen und chemischen Analyse von Dokumenten und Kunstwerken auf Papier.

Der Workshop wendet sich an Personen, die sich mit der Erhaltung, Restaurierung, kunstwissenschaftlichen Erforschung sowie Authentifizierung von historischen Dokumenten und Kunstwerken auf Papier beschäftigen, Restauratoren, Kunstwissenschaftler, Archivare, polizeiliche Behörden u.a.

Ausstellung Roh.Stoff.Papier

Die Ausstellung Roh.Stoff.Papier – Papierherstellung im Deutschen Südwesten findet vom 23. Oktober 2019 bis 21. Februar 2020 im Landesarchiv Baden-Wüttemberg (Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 4, Stuttgart) statt.

Link      Flyer

DAP-Tagung 2019 in Düren

Von 24. - 26. Oktober 2019 wird der Deutsche Arbeitskreis Papiergeschichte (DAP) zu seiner Jahrestagung in Düren zusammenkommen. Im Jahr 2019 jährt sich die Inbetriebnahme der ersten Papiermaschine in Deutschland zum 200. Male. Dieses Thema soll daher bei unserer 2019ner-Tagung im Mittelpunkt stehen.



5th International conference on watermarks in digital collections

Bernstein meeting. Cork, Ireland, October 16 - 18, 2019. The conference intends to bring together scholars, paper experts, conservators, curators, and others who work in watermark research or are interested in this topic. For two decades now, the by then printed catalogues are partially replaced by databases and new watermark collections are published only online in digital form at all.

Program        Contacts: Maria Stieglecker, Emanuel Wenger, or Pádraig Ó Macháin.

Issue 23/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 23 (Year 2019, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been published middle of June 2019. For the table of contents click here.

Publication of the conference on Middle-East papers is online

Conference "Histoire du papier et de la papeterie : actualités de la recherche (Paper and paper manufacturing history: research in process)", Paris Ocober 11, 2019

The Conference is organized by HiCSA (Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l’Art, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) in partnership with AFHEPP, (Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Etude du Papier et des Papeteries) and INP (Institut National du Patrimoine, Département des Restaurateurs) on Friday, October 11, 2019.
This event will take place on 11th of October, 2019 at INHA ((Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art), 6 rue des Petits champs 75002 Paris, 1st Floor, Vasari Room. Admission is free, under place availability.
See details in the Program
Contacts: Mme/Ms Claude LAROQUE
Maître de conférences / Senior Lecturer
Responsable du / Head of Master de Méthodologie et Pratique de la Conservation Restauration des Biens Culturels
Université Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne
17 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris – France
HiCSA EA 4100 Histoire Culturelle et Sociale de l'Art

XIII Congreso Internacional de la HISTORIA DEL PAPEL en la Península Ibérica, 12-14 June 2019

Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores del Papel (AHHP)

Malaga, Spain, 12-14 June 2019

For more information (en español) .

The Paper trade in early modern Europe: Practices, Materials, Networks

This international conference is designed to focus on one of the most essential, lucrative, and yet forgotten business activities of early modern Europe: the trading of paper.

The conference will take place in Erlangen, February 26th – 27th, 2019. For more information see: here
Contact: Daniel Bellingradt

Tagung des Arbeitskreises Buntpapier

Die Tagung findet am 22. und 23. Februar an der Freien Universität Berlin statt.
Einladung und Anmeldung.

Issue 22/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 22 (Year 2018, Issue 2) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed middle of December 2018. For the table of contents click here.

Issue 22/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 22 (Year 2018, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed middle of Mai 2018. For the table of contents click here.

Paper Trails

A Material History of 16th and 17th Century Icelandic Books from Paper Production to Library Collection.
This three-year project will analyse the paths of paper from its production on the European continent via the processes of writing and printing books in Iceland back to their present places of collections abroad. More information:project website.

Belles Plantes, modèles en papier-mâché du Dr. Auzoux (25 mai 2018 - 25 février 2019)

Exhibit at Munaé, Musée national de l’Éducation de Rouen : an exceptionnal set of 32 papier-mâché models for botanics made by Auzoux Company (1870-1880).
More information:

DAP-Tagung 2018 in Osnabrück

Von 18. - 21. Oktober 2018 wird der Deutsche Arbeitskreis Papiergeschichte (DAP) zu seiner Jahrestagung in Osnabrück zusammenkommen. Das Thema unserer Tagung ist diesmal "Papierprüfung".


Jahrestagung 2018, SPH Schweizer Papier-Historiker

Oktober 20 - 21, 2018 in Sélestat (Frankreich).
Information und Programm

Le filigrane, une marque à explorer 1. Période moderne et contemporaine

Research meeting (Partnership AFHEPP and HICSA-Université Paris 1), Sat. October 20, 2018 at INHA, rue Vivienne, 75002, Paris (salle Vasari).

29thAnnual meeting of the BAPH British Association of Paper Historians

October 5 - 7, 2018 in Bassenthwaite, near Keswick in the Lake District, United Kingdom.

Gestochen scharf - Die Geschichte der Xylographie und der handgestochenen Druckstöcke

Eine Ausstellung zur Masterthesis im Fachbereich Vermittlung von Kunst und Design (FHNW - Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst) von Etienne Maissen in die Basler Papiermühle einzuladen. Vernissage und Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 16. August 2018 um 18 Uhr. Ausstellung: 17. August bis 30. September 2018 (während den Museumsöffnungszeiten).

34th IPH congress (September 19 - 23, 2018) in Ghent (Belgium)

The biennial major event of the IPH, the IPH congress will take place in Ghent (Belgium) from September 19 until September 23, 2018.


Textual Heritage and Information Technologies. El'Manuscript 2018 (September 14 - 18, 2018, Vienna, Austria)

El'Manuscript-2018 is the seventh in a series of biennial international conferences entitled "Textual Heritage and Information Technologies" that brings together linguists, specialists in historical source criticism, IT specialists, and others involved in studying and publishing our textual heritage. Along with the lectures, a summer school will be part of the conference, which will allow practitioners to become familiar with various systems and methods for working with manuscripts and texts.

Paper mills on the UNESCO list?

Only 30 former papermaking facilities have survived in Europe until today and they are the witnesses of historical manufacturing technology. Paper mill in Duszniki-Zdrój (Poland) constitutes one of the most interesting examples, and for 50 years it houses the Museum of Papermaking. The museum in Duszniki is realizing the concept of preparing the application for inscribing several most precious historical paper mills on the UNESCO list. Papermaking museums in Poland (Duszniki-Zdrój), Czech Republic (Velkie Losiny) and Germany (Homburg) are currently cooperating in this field.


III Congreso Internacional sobre Libro Medieval y Moderno

September 12 - 14, 2018, Zaragoza, Spain. Los días 12, 13 y 14 de septiembre de 2018 tendrá lugar en Zaragoza el III Congreso Internacional sobre Libro Medieval y Moderno que en esta ocasión se centrará en la forma, estética y funcionalidad del libro.

Paper-stuff: Materiality, Technology and Invention (Cambridge, September 10 - 11, 2018)

The conference is organized by the University of Cambridge, Faculty of English under the of the Center for Material Texts and the Writing Britain Conference Series. For more information and call for papers see

Training sessions at Moulin du verger (16400 Puymoyen)

Bookbinding for beginners : May 28-June1st 2018 ; XVIIIth c. Bookbinding: June 6-8, 2018 ; Paper Bookbinding for restoration-1 : June 18-20, 2018, Paper Bookbinding for restoration-2 : June 21-22, 2018 ; Papermaking by Hand : July 9-11 2018 ; August 8-10 2018 ; Gilding: July 16-18, 2018 ; Marbled Paper : July 19-20, 2018 ; Introduction to Bookbinding : July 23-25, 2018 ; Advanced training in Bookbinding: August 20-24 , 2018 ; Pre-industrial Blue Paper : September 11-21, 2018.
For more information:, Nadine Dumain (e-mail), 05 45 65 37 33 Moulin du Verger 16400 Puymoyen France

Presentación del corpus de filigranas hispánicas (Madrid, Viernes 22 de junio de 2018)

El proyecto de “Filigranas Hispánicas” tiene como objetivo primordial el estudio de las ligranas de los papeles utilizados en la comunidad hispana por ser éste el elemento identicador y de datación más importante que encontramos en la manufactura del papel.

Esta actividad formativa, sirve para la presentación de un importante corpus documental de ligranas que cuenta ya con más de veinte mil imágenes. A lo largo de la misma daremos a conocer cómo nació este proyecto, la importancia de los estudios de ligranas en el ámbito iberoamericano y cómo el papel utilizado, desde el siglo XVI hasta nales del siglo XVIII, es prácticamente el mismo a ambas orillas del Atlántico. Finalmente, se presentará la página WEB del “Corpus de Filigranas Hispánicas” que, sin duda, constituye un ecaz e imprescindible instrumento de consulta para todos aquellos profesionales e investigadores interesados en el estudio del mundo del papel. Para el programa, haga clic aquí.

Inventorier les correspondances des Lumières, analyse matérielle et traitements numériques

International conference, 31 mai-2 juin 2018 - Campus Jourdan, PSL/ ENS, 48 Bd Jourdan Paris 75014 France.
Session devoted to material analysis of XVIIIth c. Correspondences : May 31st, 14h-18h. Organised by : Claire Bustarret (Centre M. Halbwachs, CNRS-EHESS-ENS), Emmanuelle de Champs (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) and Nicolas Rieucau (Université Paris 8).

Issue 21/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 21 (Year 2017, Issue 2) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed middle of November 2017. For the table of contents click here.

20 years Museum of Papermaking Steyrermühl

The Austrian museum of papermaking in Steyrermühl celebrates its 20th anniversary with a special program all over the year 2017.
For the detailed information click here.
For the press release in German click here.
For more information about the paper market Paper - Flair in German click here.

Issue 21/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 21 (Year 2017, Issue 1) of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of June 2017. For the table of contents click here.

AHRC PhD Studentship

A Paper World: The Collection & Investigation of Plant Materials for Paper Making, c.1830-1914.
Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD studentship on the history of collections of plant materials for paper making at Royal Holloway, University of London, in partnership with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. This award, tenable for three years and covering both fees and an enhanced maintenance grant, is made by the TECHNE AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership under the National Productivity Investment Fund Partnership Award scheme. The project, due to begin in September 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter, will be supervised by Professor Felix Driver (at Royal Holloway) and Dr Mark Nesbitt (RBG Kew).
Further information.

Jahrestagung SPH Schweizer Papier-Historiker

Oktober 21 - 22, 2017 in Triesenberg und Vaduz, Steinort Papyr Mühl, Liechtenstein.

4th International conference on watermarks in digital collections

Bernstein meeting. Vienna, October 19 - 20, 2017. The conference intends to bring together scholars, paper experts, conservators, curators, and others who work in watermark research or are interested in this topic. For two decades now, the by then printed catalogues are partially replaced by databases and new watermark collections are published only online in digital form at all.
This time a special focus of the conference will be on new watermark collections, databases and projects which are either in the planning phase or went online and /or were connected with the Bernstein portal ( within the last few years. Here not only the technical side is of interest but in particular information to the history of the collections, to potential users, and to future plans.
Further information.    Registration.    Programme

Annual meeting: AFHEPP L'Association Francaise pour L'Histoire et L'Ètude du Papier & des Papeteries

October 13 - 15, 2017 , visit to the Champollion-Museum of Writing systems in Figeac and the Soulages Museum in Rodez, France.

Interdisciplinary Methods in Graphic Art, Book and Document Conservation

A new MA university course is available at the University for Continuing Eduacation, Krems, Austria.
Mag. dr hab. Patricia Engel

Annual meeting of the BAPH British Association of Paper Historians

September 22 - 24, 2017 in Gloucester, United Kingdom.
More information and Call for papers

DAP-Tagung 2017 in Aschaffenburg und Homburg

Die 26. Tagung des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Papiergeschichte (DAP) wird vom 7. bis 10. September 2017 in Aschaffenburg und Homburg stattfinden. Diese ist dem Thema "Buntpapier" gewidmet und wird im Zusammenarbeit mit dem "Arbeitskreis Buntpapier" durchgeführt.

Mehr Information und vorläufiges Programm.

18th ICOM-CC Triennial Conference (2017)

Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-9 September 2017.

XII Congreso Internacional de la HISTORIA DEL PAPEL en la Península Ibérica, 28-30 June 2017

Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores del Papel (AHHP)

Santa Maria da Feira y Paços de Brandão, Portugal, 28-30 June 2017

For more information (en español)  (em Português).

Correo: Secretaria del Congreso


Annual meeting of the NPH Nordic association of Paper Historians

June 7 - 9, 2017 in Kouvola, visit to Verla Factory Museum, Ankkapurha Industry Museum & Stora Enso cardboard machine, Finland.

The Paper Manuscript, University College Cork, 26-27 May 2017

This colloquium, hosted by the Department of Modern Irish, UCC, will address paper manuscript traditions in Gaelic and other cultures, together with topics such as vellum-paper interfaces, binding, conservation, and watermarks.
Admission is free, but advance registration (per email to Pádraig Ó Macháin) is essential.

New research project on Camerino-Pioraco paper production and its importance in the Middle Ages

Contact: Dr. Emanuela Di Stefano

The Camerino University, Marche, Italy is launching a research project on the history of paper production in Camerino-Pioraco. This area is one of the most ancient paper production districts in Europe. From there paper was sent everywhere in the Middle Ages, to London as well as Bruges, Germany and the Mediterranean area, thanks to support by Camerino merchants. Camerino, a medieval town, is also the seat of one of the most ancient universities in Europe. Paper is still produced here by Fedrigoni Industries. The aim of our project is to publish two volumes about the history of Camerino-Pioraco paper, which is at least 700 years long. We would like to start with a volume regarding the 13th - 16th centuries. Some Camerino-Pioraco paper can surely be found in European archives: for example the Belgian, British, German, and Flemish ones. We would like to ask scholars, historians, archivists, members of IPH to contribute to this publication, by identifying documents written on this type of paper or news about its commerce. The Camerino-Pioraco paper is characterized by some distinctive signs or marks like a mountain, a dragon, a bow, and others I will give further details about subsequently. The aim is to provide written contributions to our publication. We are going to present this initiative at our University as soon as possible.

L'Università di Camerino (Marche, Italia), promuove un progetto di Storia della carta di Pioraco-Camerino. Si tratta di umo dei poli cartari più antichi d'Europa, che nel Medioevo proiettava carta ovunque, a Londra e Bruges, in Germania e nel Mediterraneo, grazie al sostegno dei mercanti di Camerino, antica città medievale, sede di una delle più antiche Università europee. Vi si produce ancora carta per le Industrie Fedrigoni. Obiettivo del progetto è promuovere un volume che ne studi, in due tomi, una storia lunga almeno 700 anni: vorremmo ora iniziare con ill primo tomo, relativo ai secoli XIII-XVI. La carta diPioraco-Camerino è certo presente negli archivi europei: belgi, inglesi, tedeschi, fiamminghi. Chiediamo se ci soano studiosi, storici, archivisti membri della rivista IPH disponibili a collaborare al nostro progetto, allo scopo di individuare documenti scritti su carta camerte-piorachese, o anche notizie sui commercio di tale tipologia di carta: i segni, o marchi, sono del monte, del drago, dell'arco, e altri che potrò indicare in seguito. Lo scopo è fornire un contributo scritto al nostro volume. Vorremmo presentare il progetto al più presto nella nostra Università.

Issue 20/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 20, Year 2016, Issue 2 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of September 2016, and is now also available in a digital version: click here.(4.6MB pdf).

A Treasure-trove of antique papers is rediscovered in Fabriano (Italy)

The Gianfranco Fedrigoni Foundation ISTOCARTA acquires the Augusto Zonghi Collection of historic paper samples.

Press release

33rd IPH congress (September 20-24, 2016) in Valencia (Spain)

The biennial major event of the IPH, the IPH congress will take place in Valencia (Spain) from September 20 until September 24, 2016.

Registration / Inscription / Anmeldung / Inscripción
List of participants (September 16, 2016)
List of hotels in Valencia near the congress venue

The Politics of Paper in the Early Modern World

International conference in Groningen, The Netherlands, 9 - 10 June 2016. Program.

1st Italian Conference on Industrial Paper Archeology. Il patrimonio industriale della carta in Italia. La storia, I siti, la valorizzazione.

International conference in Fabriano, Italy, 27-28 May 2016. The conference is promoted by ISTOCARTA together with the Italian Association of Industrial Archeological Heritage (AIPAI) and the Landscape Research and Service Center (CIRP) of the Università Politecnica delle Marche.

At the conference the bilingual book (Italian and English) "The Paper Mould. The mouldmakers and the papermakers in the history of western paper" will be presented. Peter Tschudin is among the ten authors and IPH has given our patronage for the publication and the conference.

3rd International Conference on Watermarks in Digital Collections

International conference at the museo do papel terras de santa maria in Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal, 26 - 27 May 2016. This conference is dedicated to the memory of the incunabulist and filigranolog Gerard van Thienen. Program (English), Program (Portuguese).

Issue 19/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 19, Year 2015, Issue 2 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed begin of October 2015, and is now also available in a digital version: click here.(1.3MB pdf).

Research Network "Paper Trade in Early Modern Europe"

It is a widely acknowledged that the early modern book is closely linked with paper. However, the European paper trade is one of the most unknown economic activities of the early modern period. In fact, the activity of the paper trade between the fifteenth and early nineteenth centuries remains one of the areas of book history, which for a long time has been neglected. This research network, founded by Sandra Zawrel and Daniel Bellingradt (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) in September 2015, offers an international platform for scientific discussion and research on paper trade. For more information click here.

Issue 19/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 19, Year 2015, Issue 1 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of May 2015, and is now also available in a digital version: click here.(7.6MB pdf).

SIEH MICH AN. Eine Ausstellung des Österreichischen Papiermachermuseums Laakirchen - Steyrermühl

SIEH MICH AN. Ausstellung der Plakate und Kunstdrucke des ehemaligen Buch- und Kunstdruckverlages der Steyrermühl AG, Steyrermühl, Austria, 28.6. bis 30.9. 2015.
ORT: Österreichisches Papiermachermuseum Laakirchen - Steyrermühl, Museumsplatz 1, 4662 Steyrermühl.
Flyer zur Ausstellung.

Das Wasserzeichen-Informationssystem (WZIS) - Bilanz und Perspektiven

Internationale Tagung am 17. und 18. September 2015, Stuttgart, Hauptstaatsarchiv, Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 4.
Webseite der Tagung:
Fragen an: Erwin Frauenknecht; Maria Stieglecker

Krems Convention on the Need for Continuing Education in Preservation of Written Heritage

International convention on July 19, 2015, Krems, Austria
Program: hier
Information, registration: Patricia Engel

625 Jahre Papierherstellung in Deutschland

Der VDP Unternehmertag 2015 wird am 24. Juni in Berlin in besonderer Form mit Gästen aus Politik und Wirtschaft stattfinden. Durch den VDP wird das 625-jährige Jubiläum der Papierherstellung in Deutschland mit mehreren Veranstaltungen gewürdigt.
Mehr Information:

XI Congreso Nacional de HISTORIA DEL PAPEL, Sevilla 17-19 junio de 2015

Archivo General de Indias. La Cilla
Avda. de la Constitución - SEVILLA
Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores del Papel (AHHP)
17-19 junio de 2015

For more information (click here).
For the program (click here).

Carmen Hidalgo Brinquis,

Papier fait main/Handmade paper, Pérouges (France)

Après un an de réflexion et de mise en place de notre projet, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer l'ouverture prochaine de notre atelier de fabrication de papier artisanal, en Mai 2015, dans le village de Pérouges, dans l'Ain. - After a year of reflexion, we are happy to announce the opening of our handmade paper workshop, in May 2015, in the village of Pérouges, county of Ain.
More information on:

Tagung: "Paper is part of the picture. Europäische Künstlerpapiere von Albrecht Dürer bis Gerhard Richter", 18 - 21 March 2015, Düren (Germany)

Das Leopold-Hoesch-Museums & Papiermuseum Düren feiert 2015 das Jahr des Papiers. Seit nunmehr 625 Jahren besteht die deutsche Papierherstellung und gleichzeitig begeht das Papiermuseum Düren sein 25jähriges Jubiläum.

Aus diesem Grund veranstalten wir die internationale Expertentagung "Paper is part of the picture". Sie wird in Kooperation mit Herrn Professor Georg Satzinger von der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, mit Herrn Professor Nils Büttner von der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart und mit Wissenschaftlern der Morgan Library und des Metropolitan Museum New York durchgeführt.
More information on: click here

Issue 18/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 18, Year 2014, Issue 2 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of September 2014, and is now also available in a digital version: click here.(6MB pdf).

Program and participants of the IPH Congress 2014

IPH congress program 2014
list of registered participants

Issue 18/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 18, Year 2014, Issue 1 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of May 2014, and is now also available in a digital version: click here.(6MB pdf). This issue contains the program and registration information of the forthcoming IPH Congress in Fabriano/Amalfi in September 2014.

Symposium Technical Drawings and their Reproductions 2014, 6th and 7th October 2014 at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek and the Nationaal Archief in The Hague.

More information click here.

32nd IPH congress (September 21-27, 2014) in Fabriano and Amalfi (I)

Accepted papers
registration information
program and further information

Important dates (deadlines):

6th Symposium of the ICOM-CC Working Group Art Technological Source Research - Call for papers

The symposium will take place at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th June 2014. Registration is open now! Please use the following link::

2nd International Conference on Watermarks in Digital Collections

The conference will take place in Valencia (Spain) Valencia. CulturArts Generalitat on 14th and 15th May 2014. For the program : click here more information see:

The Art of Papermaking in Italy & the U.S. at Corcoran Gallery of Art

This event is part of 2013 - Year of Italian Culture in the U.S.
Panel discussion, Monday, November 18 at 7 p.m.
The Italian Paper Exhibition will be on view at the Embassy of Italy from November 20 until December 20, 2013.
More information.

Issue 17/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 17, Year 2013, Issue 2 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of September 2013, and is now also available in a digital version: click here (5MB pdf).

32nd IPH Congress in Fabriano and Amalfi (Italy), September 21 - 27, 2014

Preliminary announcement/ Vorläufige Ankündigung/ Annonce provisoire.

XXXII IPH Congress in Fabriano and Amalfi (Itay), September 21 - 27, 2014
September 21st (Sunday): arrival at Fabriano
September 22nd (Monday): opening of the congress, lectures/ visits/ excursions
September 23rd (Tuesday): lectures/visits/ excursions
September 24th (Wednesday): Fabriano to Amalfi by bus
September 25th (Thursday): lectures/ visits/ excursions
September 26th (Friday): lectures/ visits/ excursions
September 27th (Saturday): departure from Amalfi

XXXII IPH-Kongress in Fabriano und Amalfi (Italien) 21. bis 27. September 2014
21. September (Sonntag): Ankunft in Fabriano
22. September (Montag): Eröffnung, Vorträge/ Besichtigungen/ Ausflüge
23. September (Dienstag): Vorträge/ Besichtigungen/ Ausflüge
24. September (Mittwoch): Fabriano nach Amalfi mit Bus
25. September (Donnerstag): Vorträge/ Besichtigungen/ Ausflüge
26. September (Freitag): Vorträge/ Besichtigungen/ Ausflüge
27. September (Samstag): Abreise von Amalfi

XXXIIe Congrès IPH à Fabriano et Amalfi (Italie) 21 au 27 septembre, 2014
Programme provisoire:
21 septembre (dimanche): arrivée à Fabriano
22 septembre (lundi): ouverture, conferences/ visites/ excursions
23 septembre (mardi): conferences/ visites/ excursions
24 septembre (mercredi): Fabriano — Amalfi avec le bus
25 septembre (jeudi): conferences/ visites/ excursions
26 septembre (vendredi): conferences/ visites/ excursions
27 septembre (samedi): départ d'Amalfi

Issue 17/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 17, Year 2013, Issue 1 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed end of May, and is now also available in a digital version: click here (5MB pdf) .

The Art of Japanese paper (Norwich University of Arts)

Washi exhibitions 11/3 - 20/4 2013, Washi conference 16/3 2013, Washi workshops 17/3 and 23/3 2013 and Artist gallery talks 17/3, 18/3 and 21/3 2013. For more information see:

X Congreso Nacional de HISTORIA DEL PAPEL, Madrid 26-28 junio de 2013

Auditorio del Ministerio de Cultura
C/ San Marcos, 40 - MADRID
Asociación Hispánica de Historiadores del Papel (AHHP)
26-28 junio de 2013
For more information (click here).

Two Conferences at the KB in The Hague, April 11 and 12

A watermark conference and an incunable conference will take place at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands (KB) in The Hague. Follow the links for more information.


A revised version of the IPH registration standard has been published in autumn 2012. For a download of the standard:
click here.

News Archive

Issue 16/2 of IPH Paper History

Volume 16, Year 2012, Issue 2 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed early October, and is now also available in a digital version: click here (3MB pdf) .

IPH Congress Book 2010 and issue 16/1 of IPH Paper History

The Congress book 2010 has been distributed on 15 May 2010 and all members must have received it by now.

Issue 16/1 of IPH Paper History

Volume 16, Year 2012, Issue 1 of our periodical IPH Paper History has been distributed on 25 May, and is now also available in a digital version click here (7 MB pdf). In this issue you will find all relevant practical information about the 31. IPH congress 2012 in Basel and the Oberrhein region (16-20 September), including a registration form.